Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bucket List

I made a bucket list awhile back just for the heck of it. I just recently looked at it again and noticed I had quite a few on there about travel. So naturally I thought, why not share it on the CAB Blog. Well, here you go..
Ps. I know I'm missing some numbers but it's because I copied and pasted these right from the document.

1.) Set foot in all 50 states
2.) Visit Brooklyn Heights and Park slope again
3.) Finish the 5 borough bike ride in NYC
5.) Travel to all seven continents
6.) Go on a cruise to the Bahamas.
7.) Go to a New York Mets stadium
8.) Visit all 30 baseball parks
10.) Go back to Minnesota and ride the grand rounds
11.) Live In NYC for a period of time
12.) Go to a field in the middle of no where and lay down
14.) Go to India and observe their custums
15.) Make an Indian friend while in India
16.) Travel to Europe for a summer and visit major country’s like Italy, France, and Spain
17.) Go to Poland and eat food!
20.) Travel to China and eat white rice
21.) Travel to Japan and walk around the quiet, non-city parts
22.) Go to Africa and go on a safari
23.) Spend Birthday in a different country
24.) Visit worlds largest Basket in Ohio
36.) Travel to Kazakistan
37.) Go to Chicago
38.) Do the City to shore Bike ride
39.) Do the Bike ride from Pittsburg to Washington DC.
41.) Get a passport ( I need one lol)
44.) Live in Brooklyn for a period of time.
45.) Travel to Santa Monica and Barbra and compare the two.
47.) Live in Minnesota either in Minneapolis or in the suburbs near the lakes.
49.) Walk all of Broad street in Philly
50.) Go to the “ Marina Bay Sands Resort Hotel” in Singapore
Tell me in the comments what your goals for traveling are.

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